What does a podiatrist do?
Podiatrists are medical professionals who specialise in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions related to the feet and lower limb health including muscle and joint pain. They are skilled at treating a number of ailments, including ankle, knee and lower back pain caused by foot function, as well as foot problems arising from ongoing health conditions such as diabetes.
What does a podiatrist treat?
Some of the conditions a podiatrist may be able to help treat include, nail disorders, shin splints, foot and ankle mobilisations, neuroma, metatarsalgia, heel pain and plantar fasciitis. They can also treat problems that arise from sports injuries and underlying conditions like arthritis. Some knee conditions will also respond well to podiatric intervention.
Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist?
Generally, a referral is not necessary to see a podiatrist. If you are eligible for a rebate, however, you will require a referral from your doctor and approval through their clinical assessment and professional discretion.
What is the difference between a podiatrist and a chiropodist?
There is no difference between a podiatrist and a chiropodist, the two terms are interchangeable. The difference between the two names is geographical, the term podiatrist originates from the US and is more commonly used internationally, whereas, chiropodist is the term used traditionally in the UK.
What should I bring to my first podiatry appointment?
Before your first podiatry appointment, we recommend preparing a list of any symptoms, prior surgeries and important medical records. Bring your walking/exercise footwear along to your appointment if your issue is related to exercise. Check with your insurance provider if a doctors referral is required for a rebate before your visit.
How often should I see a podiatrist?
To ensure your feet remain in good health, you should visit a podiatrist at least once a year. For certain conditions, more frequent visits will be needed subject to current injuries and pre-existing conditions. Diabetics and people with peripheral vascular disease are advised to have regular professional foot care. For more information, you should consult with your podiatrist.
Can foot problems cause knee pain?
Yes, problems with your feet will often compromise your alignment and posture causing pain in your knee. If you are suffering from knee pain, consult with your podiatrist who can expertly evaluate and treat the cause of your knee pain.
Does Medicare cover podiatry?
You can get a full or partial Medicare rebate for podiatry as long as you meet the criteria set by Medicare and have been referred by your doctor.
If you’re needing more information on any of the above, or just need a check-up, contact Cannington Podiatry today!